WT Week 1

Introduction to Wireless Technology

Wireless Communication

Transfer of information between 2 or more points not connected by wires

Coverage Range

Proximity Range

Less than 3cm

Short Range

Up to 10m

Short to Medium Range


Medium Range

Up to 50km

Medium to Long Range

Up to 100km

Long Range

100km and beyond



Factors affecting choice of WT for different applications

  1. Maturity of WT
  2. Range of coverage
  3. Frequency band
  4. Sensitivity of application
  5. Security features
  6. Weight
  7. Portability

Cost Related

  1. Cost of equipment
  2. Setup / Installation costs
  3. Recurrent costs
  4. Service and maintenance costs
  5. Upgrading costs
  6. Operational costs

Electromagnetic Waves

Wireless communications sends data signals via EM waves. EM waves travel through space at the speed of light (~ 300,000 km/s)

Created when a changing magnetic field causes a changing electric field, which then causes another changing magnetic field, and so on…

Properties of an EM Wave
Properties of an EM Wave

Frequency (measured in Hertz, Hz) is the no. of cycles per second

Radio Spectrum

Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum - 30Hz to 30GHz

Radio Spectrum
Radio Spectrum

Frequency Bands

Very Low Frequencies (VLF)
Low Frequencies (LF)
Medium Frequencies (MF)
High Frequencies (HF)
Very High Frequencies (VHF)
Ultra High Frequencies (UHF)
Super High Frequencies (SHF)
Extremely High Frequencies (EHF)

Analog and Digital Signals

Analog Signal

A continuously variable signal that may be represented as a wave

Often a measured response to changes in physical phenomena, such as sound, light, temperature, position or pressure. (e.g. Varying pressure of sound striking a mic)

Digital Signal

A signal that is both discrete and quantised

Digital signals convey information to digital computers to be processed.

How is Data represented?

Data is encoded using coding systems


How is Data represented using Signals?

ASCII code for ‘Y’ - 0101 1001

Digital and Analog signals for ASCII
Digital and Analog signals for ASCII

How is Data sent via Radio Waves?

For both analog and digital, data has to be encoded into radio waves before it can be sent. The radio wave acts as a carrier wave.


The process of encoding data into the carrier wave


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