WT Week 7

Wireless Security

tldr - WLAN security threats & authentication

WLAN Security Threats

Access point impersonation (Rogue APs)

Ad Hoc Networks

Passive Attacks

Denial of Service


The process in which the wireless client has its identity verified by the AP

Authentication Methods

No authentication

How it works

  1. Client sends probe request
  2. APs send probe responses
  3. Client selects best response & sends authentication request to selected AP
  4. AP confirms authentication and registers client
  5. Client sends association request to AP
  6. AP confirms association and registers client


Pre-Shared Key

How it works

  1. Client sends probe request
  2. APs send probe responses
  3. Client selects best response & sends authentication request to selected AP
  4. AP sends authentication response containing unencrypted challenge text
  5. Client encrypts the challenge text using one of its WEP keys and sends it to AP
  6. AP compares encrypted challenge text with its own encrypted challenge text. If same, AP allows client onto WLAN
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

Authentication Server



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